Kakwik on Prince William Sound

Kakwik on Prince William Sound
A Sundowner Tug: Boating in Alaska

Sunday, September 22, 2013

A chilly weekend of hiking!

Yesterday was pretty much a stay at home day, a catch up day for yoga, Farmer's Market, cleaning up the house, picking up the pants that I had hemmed (boy, will I have clothes to wear this week!), and then . . . about 8:00 I remembered that the Light Brigade was scheduled to do this fantastic event at the Anchorage Museum, rappeling down the face of the museum, which is kind of glass with several different decks/roofs/staging area.  I had hoped to get better pictures, but they were broadcasting no flash photography once the show started!  See the Anchorage Daily News for better pictures!

It ended up being even better than I thought it would be - we walked uptown about 9:00 or so, and the lawn and walks in front of the museum were already covered with people.  We got up pretty close, and the show started on time, about 9:30 and went for almost an hour -- lights and colors and patterns broadcast against the building, figures in black rappeling down the face of the building, all to music, and figures in white doing a modern dance performance to the lights and the music.

Sunday . . . ah, I love Sundays!  I did some work, REALLY early, then we had a late breakfast and left for a hike, look at a house, another hike, both in a misty rain turning a little bit to snow, and then home. Both were places that we'd never been -- Thunderbird Falls on the way to Big Lake (where the Open House was), and Ptarmigan Trail off the North Birchwood exit on the way back to Anchorage.

Home again, home again, for a Team Call for Wisdom for me at 5, quick visit with Mary and Lance who just returned from France and Italy, and then pizza and the Emmy's!  Planning to fit in a couple of hikes next weekend too, since we'll be out East for 2 weeks, and I'll be tied up for the first 3 weekends in October with various things.  I love weekends in Anchorage!

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