Kakwik on Prince William Sound

Kakwik on Prince William Sound
A Sundowner Tug: Boating in Alaska

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hiking for Labor Day Weekend

Finally back in the mountains this weekend - we've been busy since we got back to Anchorage.  Saturday we hiked Rendezvous Peak on a day which was overcast but at least rain-free!  Usually this is a good berry-picking spot too, but they had some sort of caterpillar that ate the leaves on the blueberry bushes this year and . . . no blueberries.  We hiked with our landlords, Mary and Lance Mearig.  The 2 1/2 hour hike was enough to challenge our un-used muscles, since we planned to go again on Monday.

Sunday we cleaned house, went to the Farmer's Market, bought some new lamps for our bedroom, made an apple pie and peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, and went to see The Help -- which we recommend seeing.  Yesterday we headed back to hiking from Glenn Alps, a loop trail to the Williwaw Lakes that takes you straight up first through what is called "The Ballpark,"  a very large, open, cirque dotted with low growth that is now bright red and gold against the green and brown of the hills, very pretty.

From here we could see a grizzly bear, first just with binoculars, then easily with the naked eye as we started moving in his direction!  We kept watching him and could tell when he spotted us, but he moved away from us, obviously not interested.  The hike was long considering it rained the entire day - which never happens in Anchorage - 5 1/2 hours, and muddy!  Once we gained the elevation, though, to 4,000 feet, it was just up and down.  One really long, steep down to Black Lake, a bit of a scramble down rocks and scree.  It was a beautiful spot but too cold and windy to get the camera out again.

This picture I stopped and took of what I thought was Black Lake, but we weren't there yet.  These small lakes in the mountains are just gorgeous with clear blue-green water against the background of the mountains, and you can see there are still pockets of snow against the mountain from last year!

On the way back, we saw about 8 or 10 Dall sheep up high on the cliffs. Oh, and we saw a moose, very far away when we first started the hike.  We were glad to get home, warmed up, fed, and then try to stay awake until bedtime.  Brian is looking at buying a van today to start a home remodeling/handyman business.

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