Kakwik on Prince William Sound

Kakwik on Prince William Sound
A Sundowner Tug: Boating in Alaska

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Spring Break: A Couple of Days in Fairbanks then LA

We spent a few days in Fairbanks mid-March, over spring break - we wanted to go and see the International Ice Sculpture competitions again that we saw a few years ago, search for some snow to ski on, and I was leading an Introduction to the Landmark Forum there.  It was COLD all of a sudden for the days we were there!  We skied (classical) two days, really bundled up, below zero both days, but at least sunny - and late enough in the winter that you could actually begin to feel the sun!

Viewing the ice sculptures turned out to be a shorter trip (at night) than we had anticipated, because it was just so darned cold!  Probably 15-20 degrees below zero, we made a quick trip around, another quick trip round to the "single block" carvings, which seemed to be more outstanding this year than the larger, multiple blocks!  I couldn't bear to take my mittens off and could hardly stand still for a picture, and Brian managed one!

The morning that we left Fairbanks it was 29 degrees below zero!  Not only are we not used to it being that cold, especially THIS winter, it hadn't been even nearly that cold to prepare us!  Coming back to the airport in Anchorage, I never left the airport, and after a quick breakfast, I went on to Los Angeles to a weekend course and a couple of days with Jessica.  It was a short trip, but I managed to see my sister, Christine, also while I was there at a lovely little inn for lunch up in a canyon that I now can't remember the name of! And, of course, it's always beautiful to visit Santa Monica, the beach, the palm trees and Venice Beach, a long walk down the beach and a quick Uber trip back!

And then - back to Anchorage and back to work!

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