Kakwik on Prince William Sound

Kakwik on Prince William Sound
A Sundowner Tug: Boating in Alaska

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mid-Winter Skiing and Fur Rondy

The winter has been excellent all during February - mild, light snows to keep the ski trails fresh, and even a full moon last night!  Fur Rondy this weekend and next meant sprint dog races this weekend and the start of the Iditarod next Saturday!  

Sprint Races! 

And then there was the parade -- lots of things going on around town . . . carnival, dog sled rides, blanket toss, fun run . . . then fireworks early evening as it got dark.

A Fun Run in Costume! 

Parade down 5th & 6th Avenues 

Dog Sled rides around the park 3 blocks from our house!

A great weekend for skiing again -- Saturday was a late afternoon skate ski  on the Chester Creek trail, then home for scallops and salad before walking up to the symphony for an evening concert.  A light snow, and we could even see the fireworks from our window, even though we didn't have time to get downtown far enough to see them up close.  The Anchorage Symphony was a great program last night from Beethoven to Ravel with a young composer with a very different composition for cello in-between.  Then today a classical ski on the Campbell Creek trails, and the tracks were perfect.  Weather forecast is for right around 30 degrees all week - so mild and an easy winter!  

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A "No Blog" Month!

Oh my goodness . . . I can't believe it's been almost a month since we posted anything.  Just after I posted the last time, the spring semester started, which is an inevitable rush of everything that has to be taken care of.  Brian began a photography course at the university, which has been fun for him, but we both also had bad colds, first Brian for 2 weeks and then me for the last week and a half.

Brian's been "upping" the ski workouts getting ready for the Tour-a-thon March 2, and unfortunately I got sick just as the skiing got really good again.  We went out Wednesday night, though, for a short diagonal ski and tonight for a skate ski. It's been beautiful at night, 25-30 degrees, and we had fresh snowfalls for a couple of days this week, just a few inches!  Scott, Brian's son, and his girlfriend, Tara, are coming out March 1 for a few days, so we're really looking forward to that!

Thursday night we went out to dinner to treat a couple who lent us their house over Christmas in Talkeetna - thanks to Karen and Eric!  Brian and I both had rockfish at the Brewhouse - it may not be salmon or halibut (both of which we're just about out of!) but we both really like rockfish (and it's cheaper!)  We hadn't eaten there for a long time, because it's really noisy there and busy, but Karen and Eric like it, and I'm glad we went - the food was delicious!

Work is busy for me, not as busy for Brian, but we're both occupied!  4 1/2 months to our trip back east - still seems a long ways away, but I'm not ready to let go of winter and skiing yet -- and it's getting lighter longer every day!