Brian and Carl "went a-hunting" in mid-October, but they came home empty-handed. It was a different way of going hunting, since they crossed Prince William Sound to Naked Island, supposedly home to small and tasty deer -- they said the deep snow and cold last year decimated the population, as there were few signs this year. Although they had thought they might fish on the way back, it was a very rough day with small craft warnings, so they headed back as directly as possible. I think it was a cold trip, but Kakwik has a heater, and they had enough provisions to last at least a week in case weather socked them in for awhile! In fact, they didn't leave until 5 at night the day they prepared to take off, because there was a blizzard! The sky cleared about 1/2 hour into the trip enough for them to see blue sky ahead!

Right after Brian got back, I went to Whistler, British Columbia for 9 days for a Leadership Conference with Werner Erhard, Michael Jensen, Steve Zaffron, and Kari Granger. We had beautiful accomodations and long but very effective days focused on an ontological and phenomenological model for the effective exercise of leadership -- leadership as when being a leader, all possible ways of being are available to you, and when exercising leadership, all possible actions are open to you. It was beyond great! And our suites were exquisite! My roommate and I, in the little bit of time we were actually in our rooms had a suite with separate bedrooms, each with their own baths, another den and half bath, big great room with gas fireplace also with a big dining table and open to full kitchen and a laundry room.

The conference was held at the Nita Lake Lodge, and a trail around the lake led about 4k later to Whistler Village, which you might remember from the 2010 Winter Olympics. The entire area is gorgeous, of course, though little snow yet and mostly 35-40 degrees and gray while I was there.
It looks just like Alaska, doesn't it? It was very similar! And lastly, I got to meet wonderful people, beginning on the 3 hour ride up to Whistler from the Vancouver airport! Bob from Denver, Peter from California, Deidre, also California, Richard from London, Haley and her husband whose name I've forgotten from Texas, my roommate Cari from New England, we had a great time together, and a couple of nights we had wine and pizza in one of our suites! Early to the airport on the 1st of November to go back home, we kept running into each other at the airport -- Rich and Noreen had a last cup of coffee with Richard and Peter and I before I had to run for the plane!
What a great group! And, it was wonderful to get home to Brian and to Alaska!